I just started this blog on a whim. I love to write, I'm good at it, and I love to share my thoughts-- just not in front of a live audience. So blogging seems like the kind of thing I could really get into. I'll give it a try and if all goes well, maybe this will become a long-term project.
A couple days ago, finishing off a family-sized box of sundried tomato and basil wheat thins I bought two days before, I finally rolled out of bed around 2:00 P.M and decided I wanted to start a diet... Yeah, clearly I'm on a kick of new beginnings. I began looking up dieting tips, having no idea where to start or even what "diet" really implies, since I have never had need to start one before. I've never had a problem with weight management, for whatever reason, be it fast metabolism or picky eating. But recently I've been feeling kind of pudgy around the middle and thighs and everywhere that "pudge" just does not flatter. Of course these changes have only been noticeable to me, and it definitely hasn't become an issue yet, but I don't like it. I was almost in a panic over it, probably because I had just finished off that box of wheat thins. Whether you consider it a healthy snack or not, finishing off a BOX of anything in a matter of days does not feel good.
Anyway, I've been sick since last Friday, going on about 5 days now. I think it's just allergies because I'm getting better after taking benadryl, but I decided it wouldn't be a good idea to start a diet plan in the middle of a sickness. I thought I would get better a lot quicker than it's taking me, so having a couple days to think it over, I decided against a "diet." That was just irrational thinking on my part in a moment of what felt like crisis. I don't want to become a skinny-girl-thinks-she's-fat. I've realized that what I need to do is get back to my old eating habits, with some healthier improvements. A diet? No. Just eating better.
What's happened since I've started college is what happens to most of us in college. No, I didn't gain the "freshman 15," but my food choices have really gone downhill. I used to be a picky eater, only I wasn't picky about healthy, good foods. I didn't like the typical junk food kids usually do. I didn't eat pizza from about 3rd grade until I started college and I never liked hot dogs. Now pizza is a typical food for me to eat, and I've been known to hit up the Sunoco for the $1.99 dog & a dew deal. (GROSS, I KNOW.) Not to mention the number of nights a week I go to McDonald's, or most recently, Wendy's for their bacon & cheddar baked potato. Also, for a few years I refused to drink anything but water. I gave up drinking pop really early on, but I've picked that back up. So obviously with these eating changes I'm bound to see some changes in my body as well. I want to get back to my heavy water-drinking and cut back on the junk because I know I'll feel much better.
So that's sort of been the inspiration behind this blog, my near-breakdown the other day while having a nonsense "I'm getting fat!" moment. I know I'm not fat. I'm not one of those girls who complains about her weight for attention, and no, I do not, nor have I ever had a disorder. I'm just a normal chick who had one of "those days." Will that be the focus of this blog? I'm not sure. I foresee me having a lot to say about body/self-esteem and other areas of self-worth, but I'm sure there will be other ideas to cross my mind. This isn't a place for you to follow me on a fitness journey or check up on my food logs. This isn't "thinspiration."But if you're interested in what's on my mind, check back from time to time.
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